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Private messaging

Integrate our end-to-end encrypted
messaging system in your Dapp.

  • ✅   Token-gated spam filtering
  • ✅   End-to-end encryption
  • ✅   Dark mode, emojis, all the fun stuff...
chat filters

User engagement

Liven up your Dapp with a space to connect
and chat with other users.

  • ✅   Public chatroom
  • ✅   Follow and connect through beoble profiles
  • ✅   Show mutual tokens, NFTs and chatroom to spark conversations
  • 🛠   Feed and live status of Dapps
profile snapshot

Token gated chatrooms

Curate specific communities or

  • ✅   NFT, tokens or transaction gated chatrooms
  • ✅   Token gate by specific amount
  • ✅   Feed and live status of Dapps
forum one
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future features.

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